I missed this (apparently it came out earlier this month), but Anagrama has published yet another "novel" found amongst Bolano's papers after his death. Entitled Los Sinsabores del Verdadero Policia (which, in my feeble Spanish, I'd render as something like The Sorrows of Honest Policemen) it's a 300-page book, that, according to what I can understand of the article I read about it (which you can read here, but it's in Spanish), includes such characters from 2666 as Amalfitano and Archimboldi. Apparently the book is part of the material Bolano was writing for 2666, but sits alongside the narrative rather than being part of it (much in the way that Amulet is part of the same story as The Savage Detectives, but still its own novel). Apparently it's very much a novel full of "echoes and self-plagiarism" from Bolano's earlier work, including moments that reference The Savage Detectives, Llamadas Telefonicas (Telephone Calls) and Distant Star. Anyway, I probably won't get to it in Spanish (I had to give up on El Tercer Reich last year--I'm just too slow reading in Spanish), but hopefully it will see an English translation soon enough.
White Light – Panel #7
4 weeks ago
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